Eggless mango cake/ Mango loaf bread | Gayathiri's Cookbook

This eggless mango cake is light, moist and delicious.Make this cake with fresh mangoes when they are in season or canned mango pulp all year round.I have used canned mango pulp that I got from the Indian store.I have flavored this cake with cardamom. But even vanilla extract would work as well.The color of this cake vary depending on the kind of mangoes/mango pulp you use.

All purpose flour/Maida- 1-1/4 cup
Baking soda-1 tsp
Baking powder-1 tsp
Cardamom powder- a pinch
Melted butter- 1/3 cup
Mango pulp- 1 cup
Condensed milk- 1-1/4 cup


1. Mix all the dry ingredients first.(All purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder and cardamom powder). Keep it aside.
2. Melt 1/3 cup butter. Add condensed milk and mango pulp. Mix it well.
3. Add the dry ingredients now. Mix it well.
4. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.Grease the loaf pan with butter or oil. Then pour the batter into the pan.
5. Bake it at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Let it cool. Then cut into small slices.
6. Top it with a couple of scoops of ice cream.

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