Eid Special Sheer Khurma | Vermicelli (Seviyan) Based Milk Pudding | By KTT | Kashmiri Tadka Twist

Sheer Khurma is a creamy rich vermicelli or seviyan based milk pudding prepared specially on Eid. It is very popular throughout the Indian subcontinent & Central Asia and is a must dish on the Eid day. Sheer Khurma is made from various dry fruits, vermicelli , thickened milk, sugar etc. Depending on the region, cardamom, pistachios, almonds,saffron, raisins, and rose water are also added. Making Sheer Khurma is easy however preparing the dry fruit mix is the hardest part but as they say there is no shortcut to success, same way there is no shortcut to prep the Sheer Khurma mix.

Watch our other video in which detailed steps are laid out to prepare the Sheer Khurma Mix:


Thank you!



Milk - 1 Litre
Sugar - 3/4 Cup
Roasted Vermicilli - 3/4 Cup
Sheer Khurma Mix (Almonds - 3 tbsp, Cashews - 3 tbsp, Dates - 3 tbsp, Chironji - 3 tbsp, Pistachio - 3 tbsp)
Saffron - 7-8 threads - Soaked in water or milk



1. Bring milk to a boil in a thick bottom sauce pan and the reduce the flame to low
2. Add Sheer Khurma Mixture
3. Boil for 10 to 15 mins keeping the flame low
4, Add Saffron and Sugar
5. When milk reduces to half, add vermicilli
6. Bring to a boil
7. Sheer Khurma is ready!


#Ramadan #StayHome #SheerKhurma #Recipes #tadkatwist #SheerKhurma


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Music Credit:

From YouTube Audio Library
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