Embrace spoonfulness - mindful breathing (ad)

I'm taking a look at mindful eating as part of a weeklong challenge to #EmbraceSpoonfulness with yoghurt brand, Onken www.onken.co.uk Note: I haven't left a long gap for you to become aware of your breathing, and I haven't talked through each body part in turn, as the video would have been much, much longer. I recommend you watch it once straight through, and then on the second viewing, you can pause when it gets to the part about relaxing your head, and work through your body parts yourself, form head, down to shoulders, chest, arms, fingers are so on. After a while, you may well know the process well enough to be able to do it without listening to a guide, but if you prefer to have audio instructions, there are lots of similar ones to be found on YouTube. Just find the one that's right for you. (ad)
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