Feeding your kids' friends - Picky Eater Strategy

When your kids friends come over to play this summer, you might cringe at the thought of them raiding your kitchen for snacks.

I get it. One summer I tried warding off my kids hungry friends with bags of pretzels. (It sorta worked.)

But I also know theres a big plus side to our kids eating together with their peers. And its less about nutrition than it is about experience. After all, eating is social and cultural. Its just as much about sharing something together, as it is about nutrition.

As parents, we have the opportunity to shape the way our kids experience a shared meal with their friends. If were smart about it, we can even help them become more adventurous eaters!

Heres how: next time your kids have friends over, put out a big old snack platter. Add simple, healthy ingredients, like cut-up apples, baby carrots, cucumbers, whole grain pretzels or crackers, and a tasty dip.

Now heres the kicker: add something you think the kids might not like. Maybe its bell peppers or peapods or a big bowl of salad. Let them choose (or not choose) to eat what looks good to them. And see what happens.

So often, so often, kids are willing to try new things when theyre sharing a snack with their friends. If just one kid decides to take the plunge with a new food, it can open the door for everyone else.

I cant count the number of times Ive personally witnessed this! Its all about positive peer pressure.

So while you might not want to offer up your favorite wild-caught smoked salmon, or that Whole Foods wedge of cheese that cost half your last paycheck, you can still feed your kids friends with love and generosity knowing its a great life-and-learning experience for them!

By the way, when it comes to fresh, healthy snack ideas, weve got thousands of those on our members side. And our meal plans give you a brand new snack idea every day. Along with breakfast, lunch, AND dinner, every day, all year long.

Our Back to Summer Sale is on now, which means you can start your membership free, and save 30% on a full year of meal plans and support!
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