Five Spice Duck Breast with Apple Cranberry Juice Sauce

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A simple and lovely recipe that looks really good, this dish is very suitable as a main on a special date for an evening for two.

Duck breast is a flavourful meat, and to best balance the gamey taste we seasoned it with five spice powder. Frying the skin to a crispy golden brown finish while basting the duck breast with its fats keeping the meat moist.

Combining MARIGOLD 100% Apple Cranberry Juice, honey, fresh pomegranate seeds for the sauce, theres a balance of acidity with a touch of sweetness, and by finishing it will some butter giving it a velvety finish.

The most amazing thing about this recipe is that all can be done within half an hour!

#themeatmensg #duckrecipes #meatrecipes #singaporefood #sgrecipes #marigold #cookingwithjuice

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