Food is Medicine: No More Waiting for a Diagnosis! HPC: E51

If we believe food is medicine, we have to stop waiting for a diagnosis before we do something about it!

On today's edition of The Healthy Parenting Connector, I'll share a bit of what I challenged a few hundred natural health practitioners to do in their practices two weeks ago from a big stage -- the best news is that YOU can implement the same strategies (even better) in your own home starting this very afternoon.

WHY do we teach kids to cook now before they're sick?

1. Prevention using diet (and the confidence that builds)
2. Getting the whole family healthier (strong connections extra bonus)
3. Inspiring and laying the foundation for healthy eating as adults (and how creativity plays into this)

No time to watch the video? Check out the skim notes here:

I met the greatest kids' health champions and world-changers 2 weeks ago, and we all swore that this is the beginning of a revolution. The problem with kids health isn't that they're so sick....yet. It's that nobody is paying attention!

But it's time for change to happen and lots of brilliant minds are out there fighting for your kids and mine -- and in the next 2 weeks we'll hear from 2 practitioners who truly believe that food is medicine, that kids' health is important, and how what kids eat makes ALL the difference!

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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