Garlic Mashed IPA Potatoes Recipe
Chef Paul shares with Jason his special occasion recipe for garlic mashed potatoes with India Pale Ale Beer.

Mashed potatoes. Everyone loves mashed potatoes. Roasted garlic mashed potatoes. We're going to infuse a little IPA, India Pale Ale. It's a very hoppy beer. Herbal, almost garlicky flavor to it so it compliments it really well and you get some of those citrus notes in there too. These are Yukon Gold potatoes. Dice those up so they'll cook a little faster. Thyme, always salt and pepper. You're going to season that up. Butter, cream, the garlic that we're going to roast and the IPA.
So we just, we cut up the potatoes earlier and chopped those all up. Those were easy, ready to go. Those will boil a couple of minutes and boom they're done. What are you going to do with the garlic and all that? So I'm going to roast the garlic. Put a little thyme, salt and pepper, a little olive oil, throw it in the oven. Combine the butter and the cream. Mix in the rest of the garlic. Then right before you serve it you want to put the beer in. You want to put this in at the end because if you cook the hop oils too much they get bitter. So you have the garlic in here. Put a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Put a couple of springs of thyme in there infusing as much flavor as possible. Just going to put these in the oven at 450, 20 to 30 minutes. Kind of touch it. A little squishy. It will be a little squishy, it will be good. Right on the rack.
Just throw them on in there, right? Yep. Stick it in the rack. That easy. Set a timer, lets open up our little bundles of joy here. So you can get the thyme off there, let it sit for about at least five minutes, maybe more. So it doesn't burn your fingers. Then you just kind of-Just push them out. Push them out. Your fingers are going to smell like garlic all night. That's all right. Take your handy dandy fork and just kinda-Just kinda mush them down. Make into a paste.
Now that's easy. Yep, then we'll mix that into the cream and butter later. How mushy do you need to get them? Just I like to get it to where that you can't see the shape of the garlic. The clove anymore. Something like that. Then we'll just leave that to the side for a little bit. Yep, till we're ready for it. Cup of heavy cream.
Low fat meal today guys. Exactly. Special occasion meal. Heavy cream and butter. A whole stick of butter. Some thyme. Some thyme, just going to throw the whole sprig in there, huh? Throw them in there, the whole thing. Adding layers of flavor when we can. So we got to let that melt, come to a little boil. Let it simmer for a while. Going to take a couple minutes, yeah.
In the mean time we'll drain the potatoes. Okay. Back in the pot. Do your little mashy mash. Looks like it's starting to boil. Starting to. Two minutes and 50 something seconds. Add in the roasted garlic that we mashed up earlier. Yeah we mashed up earlier. So we'll let that just kind of get to know each other in the cream. They're just partying now. Now is the time we add the beer. The beer. This is the IPA. So I'm going to do about half. Half and then you're going to save the rest for yourself? No comment. No comment huh? The nice thing about this is you can then add it to taste. Depends on the consistency of the potato you want. Right.
Aw you're going to serve me first, that's so nice. Yeah, guests first. That's really good. It's not overpowering. No. It's not like oh I'm having beer potatoes. Really love it, this is good stuff guys, I'm telling you.

Jason Glover is the original Dad That Cooks and owns and operates Splash Digital Media. As a Dad and the primary cook for his family, he conceived DTC through his experiences and by talking with other Dads. When fellow Dads shared with Jason theyd love to learn from his own first-hand kitchen experiences, the idea for DTC was born. As the idea continued to keep him up at night he thought, why not leverage his film and video production and comedy background with his love of cooking for his family to become the host of DTC. Ryan Seacrest move over introducing Jason Glover as the host of Dads That Cook.

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