This Ginger-Teriyaki Glazed Salmon tastes fancy but is crazy simple to make. The short ingredient list and easy, 3-step process makes it a perfect recipe for busy weeknights.

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Chef Jason Glover of Dads That Cook prepares a Gluten Free Ginger Teriyaki Salmon Recipe in an easy 3 step process.

Today we're going to make a gluten-free Ginger Teriyaki Salmon, one of my kid's all-time favorite dishes. We've got our salmon here all the way from the kingdom of salmon-ness. I usually just get a nice little piece here for probably about three servings. Here I have some miso bean paste. Dark brown sugar. Chopped up and crushed ginger. Some gluten-free soy sauce. Little bit of crushed pepper. We're gonna crack that on there and that's it.
I do have a pie pan here and I put tin foil on it because it's a lot easier for cleaning up.
I take my salmon and I put it in my little pan here. We're gonna take our quarter cup of the miso beans and we're gonna stick that in there. Half cup of brown sugar. Two tablespoons of ginger. We take our gluten-free soy sauce. You want it kind of a thick consistency when you're making this sauce. So I'm just gonna start out with just a little bit and I'm gonna kind of mix that together. You can see that this is kind of thick. I'm gonna put a little bit more soy sauce in there just because I don't want it that thick. Just a little bit. So mix that up. You can see the consistency. You want it kind of like a paste. You don't want it soupy because it'll just rush right off the fish, and then the fish, it'll just kind of soak around it, you won't have it on the top.
So we're gonna leave that and put that off to the side here. We're gonna grab our salmon and the salmon is all ready to go. All we're gonna do is we're gonna take a little bit of this cracked pepper, get a little bit of that just to give it a little extra spice. That's all you want to do. Now, we're gonna take our paste, so just put it right on there nice and thick. You want it nice and thick, okay, kind of move it around a little bit. You want that on top. If you put too much soy sauce in, the whole sauce will just fall right off the sides, it wouldn't cook with it on it, and you'd be all depressed and that would be the end of that. And that's that.
We've already got it pre-heated at 350 degrees and you're gonna cook this for about 10 minutes.
Now, I need to just get it kind of crispy. We're gonna put it on Broil. So in order to do that, I need to raise up my rack about, not all the way to the top because then you'll really burn your stuff. Then we're going to adjust it to Broil, Start.
All right, so that's gonna be in the Broil now for just a couple of minutes. You don't want to leave it in Broil for too long because you'll start smoking your house out and things will start burning and flaming and going crazy. Every once in a while you want to kind of peek on it, too, just to make sure. So don't walk away from it. We've got about, I don't know, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, and once that's all nice and crispy, then we'll pull it on out and we'll serve it up and we'll be ready to eat.
So we're all done. We've got our gluten-free ginger teriyaki salmon sitting here. I've got some rice that I made and a little bit of broccoli that I steamed up. That's it. Simple. Done. Your family's going to love it. I know you're going to like it. Enjoy this meal and have some fun.
We'll see you next time.

Jason Glover is the original Dad That Cooks and owns and operates Splash Digital Media. As a Dad and the primary cook for his family, he conceived DTC through his experiences and by talking with other Dads. When fellow Dads shared with Jason theyd love to learn from his own first-hand kitchen experiences, the idea for DTC was born. As the idea continued to keep him up at night he thought, why not leverage his film and video production and comedy background with his love of cooking for his family to become the host of DTC. Ryan Seacrest move over introducing Jason Glover as the host of Dads That Cook.

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