Gnocchi, Squash & Sage Bake | Cooking with Napolina

Minimal effort and maximum flavour! An autumnal go-to for a mid-week hearty meal that's perfect for freezing. Gnocchi, butternut squash, mozzarella and pine nuts baked until delicious and golden.

Serves 4

500g Napolina Gnocchi Di Patate
5tbsp Napolina Olive Oil (2tbsp to grease baking dish, 2tbsp for coating ingredients, 1tbsp to drizzle on top)
3 large egg yolks
500ml single cream
40g Parmesan finely grated
1 tsp dried oregano
Juice of half a lemon
12 sage leaves (6 roughly torn and 6 whole)
600g butternut squash chopped into chunky slices
125g mozzarella torn into chunks
1/2tsp chilli flakes
Handful of pine nuts

Preheat oven to gas 6, 200°C, fan 180°C and bring a deep pan of lightly salted water to the boil. Grease your baking dish with 2tbsp Napolina olive oil.
Add your Napolina gnocchi to the pan and cook for 2 mins (top tip- you will know your gnocchi is cooked when it begins to float to the surface of the water). Drain and set aside.
Whisk together your egg yolks, cream, Parmesan, Oregano and lemon, season and set aside.
In another larger bowl gently mix together 2tbsp Napolina olive oil, the ripped sage, butternut squash and gnocchi so evenly coated and season.
Lay the gnocchi and pumpkin mix in your prepared baking dish and evenly pour over the egg yolk mixture. Top with mozzarella, chilli flakes and a drizzle of Napolina oil.
Bake for 45 mins until the pumpkin is cooked (you may need to check and cover in tinfoil for the final 15-20 mins). Remove from the oven, sprinkle with remaining sage leaves and pine nuts and bake for a further 5 mins.
Remove your bake from the oven and enjoy.
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