Gyudon - Japanese Beef Bowl - Cooking Japanese

Gyudon is a Japanese beef bowl. It is very popular at restaurants like Yoshinoya. Gyudon is a comfort food enjoyed by many as a quick lunch or a hearty dinner. The sweet and savory flavors of the beef and onion are complimented by the gyuniku sauce. Gyudon is a simple one pot meal that is easy to make and will please the whole family.

Be sure to get the beef with a little fat so that it is tender when cooked. And it is important to have it thinly sliced. If you do not have an asian market your local butcher will most likely be very happy to slice the beef paper thin for you.

I hope you have a good time learning how to cook gyudon at home. Please be sure to let us know how it turns out. I hope you enjoy Cooking Japanese!

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Cutting Board: Jeremy Vessels

Pottery: NBC Pottery
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