Haggis Quesadilla With Ed Sheeran, Superwoman and David Hasselhoff | Pro Home Cooks

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Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish made with sheep liver and lungs and stuff. We made this quesadilla—using an iron—backstage at the MTV EMA in Glasgow, and we got Ed Sheeran, David Hasselhoff, and Youtube star Superwomen to Try it!

Superwomen Youtube Channel

Chopped veggies
Sliced cheese
1 large flour tortilla
Sauce, whatever you’re a fan of

Layer haggis, veggies and cheese on one side of the tortilla. Fold the tortilla over and press down on the top. Wrap tortilla in parchment-paper-lined tinfoil and wrap foil around tortilla to make a packet. Press down on foil packet with a hot iron. (Sounds weird, but it works!) Zip with sauce.
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