"Hard boiled" Gudetama Jelly まるごと卵のぐでたまゼリー | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

We made a Gudetama jelly using real egg shells! There were a few moments along the way it looked like it wasn't going to work out but we somehow made it in the end. Take a look!
First prepare the eggs
1. Crack open 6 eggs (LL size this time) and remove the insides.
2. Wash shells well.
3. Sterilise with boiling water.
4. Dry thoroughly.

Next we make the shiratama
5. Add 100g of rice flour, 10g of pumpkin flakes and 130g of silken tofu (on this occasion we used 140g), and knead them into the mixture.
6. To make the right colour for Gudetama we add orange food colouring (3 times with a toothpick), and knead the mix again. Then we wrap the mixture to prevent drying.
7. Now we take another 10g of rice flour and mix it with 13g of silken tofu and knead together to make a white batter. Then we again wrap this mixture to prevent drying.
8. Now we use these two mixtures to make the shape of Gudetama. The eyes and mouth are applied by toothpick using black food colouring.
9. Boil in water. Once the shiratama has floated to the service, continue to boil for one more minute.
10. Place in cold water until the heat fades to prevent sticking when you then place it on top of the baking sheet.

Now we can make two types of jelly
11. First, gelatin jelly. Add 40g of sugar and 4g of gelatin power to 200g of boiling water and mix thoroughly to create the liquid gelatin.
12. Next there's agar jelly. Add 25g of sugar and 6g of agar into a saucepan and mix well. Then gradually mix in 200g of water, taking care to avoid creating lumps. Next heat the saucepan until just as the water starts to boil to create the liquid agar jelly.
13. Place the Gudetama from step 10 into the eggs from step 4, then pour in the liquid jelly. To make sure Gudetama is in the dead centre of the eggs, we inserted 10 dried cellophane noodles with the ends bent downwards, propped up with clothespins, which kept it from sinking into the jelly.
14. Cool for 3-4 hours in the freezer.
15. Once nice and soft, pull out the cellophane noodles and remove them from the shell.

If you use jelly made from gelatin powder you end up with a softer consistency that starts to melt after a few hours at room temperature. Agar jelly results in a firmer consistency, a certain degree of transparency and also maintains its shape at room temperature. Make whichever Gudetama you'd like best!

For the eggs placed in the gelatin jelly only, we lightly coated the insides with salad oil.



5.白玉粉 100g、かぼちゃフレーク 10gに絹ごし豆腐 130g~(今回は140g)を様子を見ながら加えこねる。
7.白玉粉 10gに絹ごし豆腐 13gを加えこね、白色の生地も作る。乾かないようにラップをかける。

熱湯 200gに砂糖 40g、粉ゼラチン 4gを混ぜ、ゼリー液を作る。
鍋に砂糖 25g、アガー 6g混ぜる。水 200gをダマにならないように少しずつ加え混ぜる。火にかけ、沸騰手前で火を止め、ゼリー液を作る。

#ぐでたま #Gudetama #OddlySatisfying #ASMR #Eggs #Recipe
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