Heal from Motion Sickness Using Functional Neurology

My 10-year-old daughter has thrown up in the car SO much! Even with sea bands and all the remedies in this post https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/preventing-motion-sickness-in-children/ she often felt nauseous by the end of a 2+ hour car trip.

Until now.

With simple therapy exercises and a big effort on consistency in doing them at home, she has been able to ride 4 hours without any assistance and even read for 45 minutes in the car!! If you have a child with motion sickness, you know how much of a gift this has been to our family.

Check the video for a few of the exercises we've done, and here's the full interview with more info on how functional neurology works: https://youtu.be/9_9l5lDAdck

Unfortunately, this work is an individual thing and the exercises changed every week after diagnostic observation in the office, so you can't just use a "motion sickness cure" list, but I hope you can take hope that there IS a cure for motion sickness and find a functional neurologist near you!!
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