Healthy Snacks for Standardized Testing? Mission Possible!

We made 220 bags of trail mix for healthy standardized testing snacks...and it was actually a FUN mother-daughter bonding activity!

Standardized testing time is the perfect time to teach our kids that:
* Food is fuel and we need to eat for how we want to feel (and think), and
* We dont need junk food rewards for every event.

We know that fat, protein and fiber are necessary to satiate hunger, and primarily if were eating just before a test, we want to make sure that snack counts by lasting long enough to get through the test!

This means that I want to stay away from empty carbs (white flour, sugar) as much as possible, and make sure we include some healthy fat and a protein source.

For more on healthy brain foods for testing snacks, elementary through college, check this out:
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