Holistic Parenting & Raising Resilient Kids Who Own Their Health HPC: E147

Get all the links mentioned here: https://kidscookrealfood.com/holistic-parenting/

I know you think I do these interviews for YOU because I'm a good person who wants to help everyone become better parents and raise healthy kids...but sometimes I feel like it's just for ME to learn new things and get reminders about practices I need to adjust!! ;)

Ok...it's for both of us.

My huge takeaways from this energetic interview with the fabulous Dr. Madiha Saeed include:

* start the day with gratitude, not just end it
* ask kids questions to help them connect how they feel with what they do in the day, rather than just telling them all the things

Those are MY 2 big goals after this conversation, plus I'm always filled up anytime I get to hang out with my friend Dr. Saeed. ;)

YOU might gain other insights, such as:

* how and WHY we need to build kids' resilience
* connecting kids with ownership of their health
* one habit Dr. Saeed has her kids do at least weekly (and it's easy!)
* how real-life consequences decrease stress

....and more! I'd love to hear YOUR biggest takeaway or practical goal from this conversation, especially as we start the new year. Forget a resolution that we'll break within a few weeks...how can we set a new HABIT that's sustainable?

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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