HOMEMADE CABBAGE PICKLE: Traditional pickle recipe: a tasty source of probiotics

2 kg white cabbage (net weight)
2 large carrots
bunch of parsley
20-24 garlic cloves
4 tbsp pickling salt
1 cups apple vinegar

Pickle is a fermented food that contains probiotics (bacteria and substances) and is used in a positive way to improve health. Traditional pickle technique eliminates artificial chemicals and additives that are commonly used in commercial productions. Therefore, homemade pickle is a healthy source of probiotics that contribute to intestinal microbial balance and your healthy diet.
Choose a dense and heavy cabbage at the market
Divide the cabbage into 4 equal pieces and remove the loose and greenish leaves on the outer layers.
Achieving a crunchy cabbage pickle requires using the dense and white core.
Keep the outer green leaves for preparing other cabbage dishes such as cabbage rolls, pastry stuffing, etc.
Separate the cabbage core into as many as possible to be able to clean it properly
Then, wash the cabbage leaves thoroughly
Drain excess water using a salad spinner or paper towels and air dry
Cabbage leaves should be almost completely free of water before we begin the pickling process. In this recipe, the net weight of cabbage (after being separated, washed, and dried) is 2 kg.
Salt is defined depend on the amount of the cabbage: 2 kg of cabbage requires 4 tbsp of pickling salt
NOT: Make sure using pickling salt when you make any kind of pickle; table salt causes soften and spoiling the pickle in a short time!!
Chop the cabbage leaves into smaller pieces and place them into a large glass bowl
Sprinkle pickling salt between the cabbage leaves and repeat this process until all the cabbage and the salt is finished
Then, cover the mixture with a food wrap
Rest the salted cabbage leaves in room temperature for 24 hours.
One day later, cabbage will have released its juice but it will still be crunchy
Prepare the other ingredients for the pickling:
Peel and wash the garlic cloves and carrots Use the garlic cloves whole
Slice the carrots into thin ellipses
For 2 kg of cabbage, we need a 3 L jar;
I used 2 jars that are 1 L each
First, pour cup of apple vinegar into each 1 L jar
Add 4-5 garlic cloves into each jar
Then stack the cabbage leaves tightly until the jars are halfway full
Place a layer of carrot midway through the jar and add 3 to 4 garlic cloves
Then fill the rest of the jar with cabbage leaves
On top, make another carrot and garlic layer
Distribute the released cabbage juice and the remaining cup of apple vinegar evenly between the two jars
Cover the vegetables with the parsley sprigs
Finally, add boiled (and cooled!) drinking water until all vegetables are submerged in the brine.
Then close the jar lid firmly
Shake and invert the jar to prevent air bubbles inside and to provide an even distribution of the brine
Now, the pickles are ready for fermentation!
Rest the cabbage pickles in a dark and cool place for 3 weeks.
3 weeks later:
Fermentation will increase the pressure inside the jar and cause some of the brine to overflow; so, open the jar lid slowly to allow the bubbles to escape without expelling much of the brine
Fermented foods are more sensitive to bacterial spoilage; use clean tongs to take out the pickles to keep your pickle fresh for a long time
You can eat the pickled parsley sprigs or leave them in the jar to enhance the flavour
Chop the cabbage pickles into bite-sized pieces, place into a bowl with a couple of vibrant carrot slices
Enjoy its fermented sour flavour, crunchy texture, and the pleasing sense of eating healthy.
Traditionally, the combination of pickle, white bean stew, and rice pilav is an established dinner menu!
Bon Appetite!
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