Homemade Cinnamon Ice Cream Recipe. This is a super simple recipe that is not only wholesome, but tastes incredible. Come check it out!

RECIPE HERE: https://DadsThatCook.com/recipes/homemade-cinnamon-ice-cream

So, you know, again fitting with that theme of health-




You know, I'm trying to make something that is going to feed my family well. I make a custard ice cream, so I'm going to use six eggs-


With this, and I'm just taking the yolk. If you have a higher protein content, it helps you metabolize the sugar better. I'm using coconut sugar.

Coconut sugar.

Yeah, that's right. It tastes exactly the same as regular sugar in my opinion. I have made this with honey. Instead of using three quarters of a cup, I would use half a cup of honey, and I'm doing cinnamon ice cream.


So, this is two tablespoons of cinnamon here. I'm going to toast it. Makes a great smell, but also helps liven the flavor up when you're adding it into the cream. We have one cup of whole milk.


And, two cups of cream. So, for the eggs, I'm not that specialist that can crack it and open it with one hand. I don't know if you can do that.

Yeah, you know. Sometimes. You never know. Sometimes it just doesn't work out that well. I like the little strainer. That's cool.

Then, just shake it around. So, in these yolks, I'm going to beat them all together. Here we go.


Six egg yolks.


Nothing fancy. That's the base of the custard. Gives it that richness and the color. Now, it's time for stove. Two separate parts that are going to happen, so we're going to cook part of it and then part of it's going to stay in a chilled bowl-


And, we're going to whisk it together-


After we do the cooking.


So, totally dry pan. Just get the heat on there. Now, I'm just going to toast the cinnamon up. You don't want to burn it. You're just like mildly toasting it.


All right. So, this is the milk.

Yummy stuff.

Get all that good fat.

And, then two cups of cream.

Only put one cup in.

Oh, just one cup?

This is two cups, but I'm only putting one cup in.

On, you only put one cup in now.


Hey, good. That was perfect. Look at that.

The sugar.


So, that's going in there too. So, then we're going to make sure the sugar doesn't stay at the bottom, right.


Keep it stirring around here. Has a little bit of a brownish color because of the sugar. Add the cinnamon in. Toasty cinnamon. Stir it in, and the reason it's important to do this when it's hot is that's the only way that the cinnamon is going to get incorporated in.

We are going to take the egg, pour half of this hot liquid in as we whisk, and this is the custard that we're talking about, right, and you're just trying to bring it up to temp.

So, you're just going to use a portion of it?

Well, just to get it all incorporated. Yeah.

Just to get it all mixed there, then you put in the dairy.

Exactly. What you want to go up to is 170.

Right. In other words, it gets burnt down there-

And, it's going to curdle.

And, it's going to create a bunch of burnt stuff and that tastes good. Hey, dad. Can you make some more of that burnt cinnamon ice cream?

The other cup of cream-


Is going in this bowl right here. Pour this through.

Through the strainer?

Right. There's ice. You can see there's an ice bath underneath. That's going to help cool it all down.

Okay. Strain that into the bowl.

That's it.

So, this is in the ice just to keep it cool, right?

That's it. I like to stick it in the refrigerator first for about half an hour and then I put it in the freezer.

Yeah. That looks good. Look at that. So, we got this all chilled up. We're going to stick it in the fridge, right?

That's right. Cover it up, stick it in the fridge, like I said half an hour, and then it's going in the freezer.

Fit into the little ice cream maker.

Right here.

Let it do its thing all by itself, right?

All right.

We'll just slop that on.

Seals on, and that's it.


We just check it periodically and make sure everything's going well.


It'll start to come up and then it'll be ready to stick back in the freezer.

Well, Jason, you've been so patient, so-

Oh, thanks.

I'm going to go ahead and serve you first this time.

Oh, that is a real treat.

Yeah, the egg adds a nice protein content in there on top of the milk.

Oh, yeah. Wow.

Good job.

Oh my god.

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