HORRIBLE! Bean Boozled Challenge. | Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef

In this episode, Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada has absolutely no idea what he's getting himself into! He's never played this game let alone even heard of it; yes it was a perfect opportunity to get his take on some of the most horrid, vomit enticing flavors Bean Boozled has to offer.

Chef Hiroyuki was a great sport though; he was really trying to give his best take on all the different flavors that went in his mouth. Most of us who've played this won't stand a second or two after chewing this beans to remain in our tongues. Chef Hiroyuki goes beyond that and really sucks the flavor of each bean to extract the sewer spewing flavors... He's a great sport and a true master!
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