How To Cook Beer Chicken - Beer Braised Chicken Thighs Dads That Cook

Cooking with Belgian Beer gives Paul's Beer Braised Chicken thigh Recipe a whole new flavor that is popular with the whole family! He also makes fantastic Mashed Potatoes and Bacon Broccoli you won't want to miss...

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Hi, welcome to Dads That Cook. I'm Jason Glover. We got an awesome guest today, Paul Murray. He's a good guy. He's got some stuff happening. The guy loves beer. Sounds like he's got some stuff happening with beer, right? I do, I do. How do you cook?
I can't wait to see that part. So what are we making today? Gonna do a chicken. Gonna braze it with some leeks, and then a Belgian double. Then we're gonna do a roasted garlic IPA infused mashed potato. We'll do some roasted broccoli. Toss it with a bacon vinaigrette.
Bacon. Well I'm excited. This is gonna be fun. It's gonna be a lot of fun. All my guests on the show, we're gonna have your own jacket. Very cool. With the Chef Paul jacket. Oh, that's very nice. Look at that. You can even wear the hanger with it. I think that'd be comfortable. Yeah. And but we'll need to take that back 'cause I've got some more guests that I've gotta put their name on it. Sure. We are actually here in the kitchen now. What do we got goin' on? Well this is gonna be for a bacon vinaigrette for the roasted broccoli.
Oh, okay. Bacon, you've cut up in nice little chunks. It's got a little Dijon mustard. This is actually infused with porter. So we're tying in the beer thing again. Red wine vinegar. We've got some brown sugar, salt, little diced shallots, pepper, and then you just kinda combine the ingredients; whisk 'em together real quick.
Or just smear it all over yourself. If that's what you're into. Roasted vegetables are delicious. It's great by itself. I'm always looking for ways to add more flavor to it. Add some flavor to it. You only made this one time before. Yeah. It turned out great. IF you have your techniques down, you kinda know what you're doing.
So we've got the pan out, it's all hot and ready to go. Yep, it's got a nice temp. First you gotta get the bacon. Alright, gonna get that crisped up nice. Okay. Render some of that fat out. That's gonna go [inaudible]. Oh yeah. That's some serious bacon. That's another thing though. If you don't know how to cook, and all you can do is throw some bacon into a pan, it always smells good and people love it. And they come over and say, "Wow, what are you making?" Smells like kinda mapley kinda bacon. Yeah, it's a maple bacon.
I was right. Now we get the bacon out of the pan. He's got his little strainer. It's called a spider. A spider. Now we get the-Scoop out the extra fat. About three tablespoons. So now you're gonna dump the bacon in the little bowl there. Yeah. Gets rid of the rest of it. Yep. Right? And we'll use this to brown the chicken in. Yeah. So it's off the side, we'll get the burner back on. And put your three tablespoons you've got back in there. Party on, Wayne. Party on, Garth. Game on. The shallot. Just let that kinda cook for a few minutes. Make it soft. Or turn off the heat and add in the rest. Whisk it together. So that's lookin' pretty good.
Yeah. You know, kinda softened up there. So here we're just gonna incorporate the vinegar. Vinegar in there with the shallots. The sugar. El sugar. And then the mustard. Mustard. And just kinda whisk it together. And the residual heat will just kinda carry that to where it needs to be. So let this cool, and in a minute we'll transfer it over to another container.
Alright, so we got that vinegarette all set up, ready to go. Now we're gonna get into, looks like broccoli. Right, right.

Jason Glover is the original Dad That Cooks and owns and operates Splash Digital Media. As a Dad and the primary cook for his family, he conceived DTC through his experiences and by talking with other Dads. When fellow Dads shared with Jason theyd love to learn from his own first-hand kitchen experiences, the idea for DTC was born. As the idea continued to keep him up at night he thought, why not leverage his film and video production and comedy background with his love of cooking for his family to become the host of DTC.

Ryan Seacrest move over introducing Jason Glover as the host of Dads That Cook.

How to cook beer chicken - How to cook beer braised chicken on the stove.
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