How to Cook Pork Chops with Limited Supplies in Cabo San Lucas

Have you ever gone on a trip and stayed in a rental unit like VRBO or Airbnb? Thats the only way we go as I love to cook while on vacation. Its so much easier!

Our latest travel to Cabo San Lucas Mexico had me looking for supplies that just didnt exist in the unit. Although it was great to have a kitchen that I could cook in, you quickly realize the small things that you need. Like olive oil, salt, pepper, some of your more basic ingredients to make your dish taste great. I didnt have time to go to the grocery store and buy a bunch of ingredients. Plus, I was on vacation and enjoying the beach more than I wanted to go shopping!

But, when you rent a unit you expect to have some of these basic items, right?! Especially when it comes to the barbecue. What does the barbecue need? Tongs! Tongs would be a very good thing to have when youre barbecuing, however they didnt have any tongs for me to use So at that point you are forced to use what you have around you! I had a fork! So I used it. Fortunately I had a cutting board that I could put my pork chops on, otherwise using a plate works as well. You could go animal style and just eat it right off of the grill by hand!

What Im getting at is its not always going to be perfect no matter where you travel too. You will face this at home as well. Youre not gonna have everything that you need to cook with. Youre not gonna have tongs, youre not gonna have pepper, youre not gonna have cinnamon, youre not gonna have olive oil, or a bunch of other things that you likely have at home. You just make do with what is in front of you. Or you go to the store and stock up Thats up to you!

Maybe thats part of the fun while traveling. Its trying to be as creative as possible with the limited amount of supplies that you have! Can you still make it taste good?... Of course!

On this trip to Cabo I got lucky because I had incredible meat from Flora Farms that was 100% organic, the chops were amazing. It started with the meat so everything else didnt really matter so much. If you are going to buy anything make sure the stuff you put on the grill is top notch or dont grill it! Even though I didnt have all the ingredients on hand that I normally use, the meal turned out awesome. My family loved them!

Anyway, while youre on vacation or on a trip and you rent a condo or apartment, keep in mind you may not have all the supplies that you would at home. Although its easy to get in a huff about it, just chill and make things work! Maybe a Margarita or 2 might help your pain along the way as well LOL!

At the end of the day, just have fun doing it! You are on Vacation after all


Keep on Cookin

Jason Glover is the original Dad That Cooks and owns and operates Splash Digital Media. As a Dad and the primary cook for his family, he conceived DTC through his experiences and by talking with other Dads. When fellow Dads shared with Jason theyd love to learn from his own first-hand kitchen experiences, the idea for DTC was born. As the idea continued to keep him up at night he thought, why not leverage his film and video production and comedy background with his love of cooking for his family to become the host of DTC. Home Chef extraordinaire!

Ryan Seacrest move over introducing Jason Glover as the host of Dads That Cook.
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