How to Cook Salmon - Easy Baked Salmon Recipe at Home Dads That Cook

Baked Salmon couldn't get any easier with this recipe! And let's talk about Salsa Heaven! Wes shows me how to make his family recipe for Hawaiian Salsa and it's to die for! Pair that up with his Lemon Dill Salmon...

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Welcome to Dads That Cook. I'm Jason Glover. I'm on a quest right now to go out around the country and find dads that know how to cook. They may be plumbers, electricians, physicians. We're gonna highlight the incredible meals that they make, show everything that they do, and get you the recipes. So you can make them when you're sitting at home with your family as well. So there's no time limits, there's no secret ingredients and no experts, just good cooking. This week on Dads That Cook, we're stopping by the home of Wes Hartisty. He'll be fixing up a mouthwatering Hawaiian style salsa that tastes great on just about anything, including his own delicious salmon. Hey, it's Jason Glover with Dads That Cook. Working another meal with an awesome guy, Wes Hartisty, who is gonna cook some awesome stuff. So Wes, thank you so much for coming. You grew up in Hawaii. Mm-hmm. You don't look Hawaiian, I just wanna let you know that. I'm pretty much Poly, but no I ... Do you speak Polynesian at all? I did when I was a kid. I bet you did. Yes, I could rattle it off like anybody else could. How long did you live in Hawaii? Just under 20 years. Great. And that's where I met my lovely wife and we were going to school there together and we got married and my oldest son was born there. It's still considered a home to us. My son is there now. Your son is living there now and he's going to school out there right? He goes to school. He loves it. Absolutely. You've been telling me also, he likes to free dive for the most part. Yes, he loves to free dive.
That's just nuts. He holds his breath for like two and a half minutes or so? He can hold his breath for quite a while. Yeah, he gets through some long caves.
And your two daughters. So you have a 17 year old? 17 year old named Tiana and my 12 year old is Leilani. So Tiana and she's going to school, 17, is it her senior year or? Yes, it's her junior year. Yeah. Junior year. Okay. It's her junior year in high school and this year she ran track. My youngest, Leilani is 12. She also likes to experiment in the kitchen. She's the one who says, "Dad, will you buy some shallots? Would you get some shiitake mushrooms?" Okay. Pick this up on the way home. I'm making dinner. I wanna try this, yeah. So what are we making today? We're gonna put together a salmon with dill and lemon and onions. We're also gonna put a side that we like to do. Our family has made a Hawaiian style papaya, mango, and apple salsa, that we actually sold in the stores. You sold this in the stores? Mm-hmm. You got a really nice looking shirt on and I don't like to slop on my clothes. So I've got you something that you have to have, because I don't like being slopped on. You can go to work with this, Oh nice. Sure. You can walk the streets with it. All right? Thank you very much. Awesome. Absolutely. Let's get started. All right, let's go cook. All right. Well here we are. We're in the kitchen with Wes. He's got this incredible salsa that his family used to make.
It's a Hawaiian style salsa that we brought back with us from the Islands when we first moved over here. What we have here is a nice Mexican papaya. The next ingredient that we like to highlight is the mango. You've got to look at them, make sure they've got good color on them. Apples, now I like the Granny Smith. Then we have our Roma tomatoes, red onion, and then we use a nice cilantro. This is the lemon that we're going to be using. The other ingredients that we bring to this dish is just a little bit of ground black pepper. Kosher salt, a little bit of vegetable oil, some white sugar, rice vinegar. We also use a little bit of our heat source. You can use almost any type of heat that you like. If you like jalapenos, if you like something really hot, yeah.
You want it to burn your mouth off, go for it right? Wow, I feel like I'm at Benihanis now. One of the first things I do, is I take the papaya, slice it in half.

Ryan Seacrest move over introducing Jason Glover as the host of Dads That Cook.
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