How to Get More Fiber In Your Diet

It can be challenging to get enough fiber in your diet. You have to eat fiber with intention, otherwise, it can be challenging to hit your daily requirement. Most processed foods are very low in fiber.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is very low in fiber and high in calories. We tried to make it easier for you by curating a number of high fiber snack foods and high fiber add-ins.

These are our top picks for high fiber snacks on the go!

High Fiber Add-Ins:

These are foods you can sprinkle like flaxseed, hemp seeds, chia seeds on foods you are already making to pump up how much fiber is in the dish. If you're not familiar with these foods, you can read more about these superfood add-ins. Scroll down to find some of our top picks.

Pin the high fiber snack foods for later

We have some great tips on how to overcome constipation coming soon so be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel

As mentioned in the video, here are recipes and foods to help with constipation. High Fiber Foods To Beat Constipation In Kids

Here are natural foods that act as laxatives.

Find out why you should keep kids on Miralax or other laxatives for too long Why You Shouldnt Keep Kids on Miralax Long-Term

For more information check out our article: How to get kids to poop

How to overcome constipation for babies:

How to get kids to eat their vegetables:

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