How To Make A Breakfast Quesadilla With Chorizo Rockin Robin Cooks

This easy breakfast quesadilla is made with chorizo (Spanish sausage) onion, sweet potatoes, eggs, and cheese.

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Chorizo Quesadilla Recipe
Makes 2 quesadillas
6 oz. pork chorizo
yellow onion, chopped
1 sweet potato, rinsed, pricked with holes, cooked in microwave for 3 to 4 minutes on high
4 eggs, beaten
Monterey jack cheese, shredded
Butter from pastured raised cows
4 flour tortillas

Place the chorizo and onion in a large frying pan over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Turn frequently.

Prick holes in the sweet potato and cook in the microwave for about 3 minutes on high or until soft throughout. Let cool to handle. Once cool, peel the skin and cut sweet potato into bite size pieces. Keep warm.

In a small frying pan, add 1 tsp. Butter over medium low heat. Once the butter melts, swirl it in the pan to coat the bottom. Whisk those eggs one last time and add them and the chopped up sweet potatoes to the pan.

Cook the eggs until they are done and the sweet potatoes are heated through.

In a flat pan, add 2 tsp. butter over medium low heat and spread it around. Lay one tortilla on top of the butter and top it with a light layer of cheese. Then top with the chorizo/onion mixture and then the egg/sweet potato mixture.

Finish with more cheese on top. The cheese will help hold everything together once it melts. Add a tortilla on top and spread a bit more butter on top of the tortilla.

You want to cook the quesadilla slowly so that the cheese can melt so cook it between low and medium low heat.

Once the first side is a nice golden brown, flip it over and cook the second side.

Serve the breakfast chorizo quesadilla with guacamole and sour cream or yogurt as garnish.

Thanks for watching and sharing!
Rockin Robin
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