How To Make Bunuelos - A Mexican Pastry With Cinnamon And Sugar

How to make bunuelos.

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Bunuelos are a delicious Mexican dessert that I will show you step by step how to make.

These are sort of like fritters or cinnamon donuts. Very yummy.

These are coated in a sugar cinnamon mixture and terrific eaten warm right off the stove.

Bunuelos are somewhat similar to churros in that both are a dough that is deep fried in oil. And both are coated in cinnamon and sugar.

Many make these at Christmas time or New Years because they are so special.

When I first made them, I made them with my son. He took most of them to school to share with his friends. He was very popular that day!

So share making this with your children, they will love it.

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Kind regards,
Rockin Robin
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