How To Make A Delicious Green Smoothie - Get More Veggies In Your Diet!

Green smoothies are the best and easiest way to get more vegetables into your diet and it taste wonderful too. They can also aid in weight loss too.

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I will show you how to make a very tasty and healthy green smoothie so you can easily get more vegetables into your diet.

By adding fruit to your smoothy this will make it sweet enough so you will enjoy drinking it. Even after you blend your smoothie, taste it. If it's not sweet enough, you can always add more fruit to sweeten it up.

This will help with weight loss if you are trying to lose a few pounds and will make dieting much easier.


One green smoothie a day will not only give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs but it will also give you needed fiber and make you feel full and satisfied.

Here is our green smoothie recipe:

handful of spinach
1 kiwi, peeled
1 pear
1 apple
1 stalk of celery
2 inches of cucumber, peeled
1 thumbnail fresh ginger, peeled
1/2 inch wheel of fresh lemon, rind left on
coconut water, or regular water
6 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in a blender, hopefully a vitamix or blentec blender. They work the best because they are powerful enough to handle all the fibrous ingredients .

Blend for about 50 seconds and enjoy!

To your health!
Rockin Robin
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