HOW TO MAKE ICE CREAM! * VanillaCoconutStrawberryBananaCinnamonYUM! *







Homemade Ice Cream RecipesEasy Healthy RecipesRaw Food Diet MenuIcecream Recipes

Ever have any interest in making ice cream? Well this coconut ice cream recipe is sure to knock your socks off, and your kids will love it too! :D

AND Cinnamon Ice Cream!

* I n g r e d i e n t s *

3 Thai Young Coconuts (1 Coconut Water only + 3 Coconut Meats)

6-10 Organic Strawberries, with green stems torn off

4 Organic Bananas, broken by hand into smaller pieces

2 Organic Whole Vanilla Beans*, broken by hand into smaller pieces

1-2 teaspoons Organic Saigon Cinnamon*, to taste (regular organic cinnamon or regular inorganic cinnamon is fine too)

*******please visit the HERBS & SPICES section of the STORE at for some hand-picked varieties of organic vanilla beans and organic cinnamon! :D

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Open the young coconuts ~ watch this video if you need help:

2) Pour ONE coconut water into your Vita-Mix blender, or other high-powered blender of your choice

3) Pour out the other TWO coconut waters into glasses to drink right away, or pour into an airtight container and store in your fridge for enjoyment later.

4) Scoop the THREE coconut meats out of the young coconuts, and toss into your blender.

5) Add the strawberries, bananas, vanilla beans and cinnamon, and blend until desired consistency is reached. OPTIONAL: Drop a few large chunks of banana and/or strawberries into your mixture before freezing!

6) Pour into an airtight container, seal it, and place in your freezer for a few hours to have a thick pudding consistency, or at least overnight to 'turn into' ice cream.

7) Serve, and enjoy! ;-)

I n s p i r a t i o n
There is no need to be dogmatic with your eating...go easy on yourself and your diet!

Tap into YOUR innermost being and listen to what your body tells you to eat...which may be different things at different parts and phases of your life!

Yes, please take care of your body and honor your body, but if you get too restrictive with yourself, then you can cause more harm than good, so I want you to LOVE yourself first, and be easy on yourself, knowing that YOU are an infinite being, and are essentially beyond your body!

Stay at peace with your eating!
Always stay in love with your highest self!
Cultivate kindness & forgiveness for yourself & others!
...and enjoy life! :D

Love, Dan

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