How To Make a Pimontaise Potato Salad (using a food stacker ring)

Join my online French cooking classes : Learn how to make a classic French bistro potato salad ( piemontaise) and plate it like a chef the easy way using a food stacker ring.

Food ring to plate like a chef at home:

Good egg slicer:

Ingredients and written recipe on the website:

if you want to make the mayonnaise from scratch use that recipe:

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This technique of assembling cold ingredients using a food stacker ring works well with all styles of mixed salad. these can have rice, potatoes or lettuce as a base.

try this recipe first and once you master the technique venture in other versions. Just remember to always keep the right balance between ingredients not too much of one or the other thats the key for a great French mixed salad

How to peel the tomatoes watch:

Food Conversion Tool:

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