How to make ZongZi / Kee Chang Recipe -

Ingredients below
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Dragonboat Festival - its the season for drums, dragonboats and of course, changs of every kind. What started out as simple, plain glutinous rice dumplings now has many variations - some savoury with salted egg yolks and braised meat, and others sweet with red bean or lotus bean pastes.

Kee Chang, or alkaline rice dumplings, get their distinctive yellow colour and flavour from lye water. Often eaten as a dessert, you can make them plain, or give them a touch of sweetness with some red bean paste. Better yet, make a mix of them in your Kee Chang bunches so you never know what youre going to get!

We drizzled some pandan-infused gula melaka over our bite-sized Kee Changs to enhance the flavours in both the plain and red bean dumplings. Alternatively, simple sugar or coconut kaya are also great dips that you can eat your Kee Changs with.

Pair these with a nice, mellow Chinese jasmine tea or strong Pu-er, for a satisfying afternoon tea snack or a post-dinner dessert for the Dragonboat festivities!

#themeatmensg #simple #delicious

Ingredients here
500g glutinous rice
30g lye rock
150g gula melaka
60ml water
tsp salt
2 pandan leaves
200g red bean filling
24 kee chang leaves
Hemp strings
Full recipe:

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