How to Predict your Child's Future Health (even without testing) with Dr. Brian Stenzler HPC: E163

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What if you could have an idea of your child's future health without drawing blood and testing genetics?

Dr. Brian Stenzler can help you get that information in 20 minutes with his D.R.E.A.M. Wellness score, and we talk today about flipping quite a number of "health" paradigms on their heads. I left with a to-do list for my family, and I know you'll take both practical and philosophical knowledge away today, like:

* Why we can stop using the word "sick" altogether
* The road to failure that begins with "everything in moderation"
* A litmus test for your health that starts with looking in the mirror (but has zero to do with what you see)
* How I'm going to teach my kids to sit when they're playing on tablets
* What miiiiiiight convince me to stop embracing sleeping in on the weekends...although I might need more work on accepting this one!

I can't believe how often Dr. Brian challenged my own assumptions, redefined all sorts of words, and gave practical advice to truly improve overall health.

Take the D.R.E.A.M. Score quiz and get your personalized results today!

You can find the book on Amazon:

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