紅白のしジェロー How to make red and white *noshi* from Jell-O for New Years! | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

We are publishing our first recipe book! The Japanese name is long (あっ! 妄想グルメだ! なにコレ!?と見て食べて驚くレシピ) but can be liberally translated to "Hey! It's Mosogourmet! Recipes that shock, satisfy and surprise!"
This "Noshi Jell-O" recipe is the second of a series of new videos using recipes from our book.

お正月に 紅白のしジェロー 材料3つで!

#ジェロー しってますか?アメリカのゼリーの素です。このジェローにマシュマロを加えて固めるとキレイな2層のゼリーができます。ジェローは種類がいっぱいあるので、好みのフレイバーでいろんな色に挑戦してみてください。#くるくる 丸めるだけでじゃなく、伸ばしていろんな形にしてみるのも楽しいですよ。今回はちょっと気が早いですが、お正月を意識して「熨斗」っぽい形にしてみました。

1.マシュマロ 1と1/2カップ(50g)を準備する。大きい物は小さくちぎっておく。
3.お好みのジェロー 一箱 85gを耐熱容器に入れる。
4.水 100cc(100g)を入れかき混ぜる。


How to make red and white *noshi* from #JellO for New Years!

In Japan it is very common to wrap a formal gift with a decoratively folded red and white paper called "Noshi". It's a little early, but we tried to make noshi out of Jell-O for New Years!
*Recipe* (21.5 x 21.5cm square pan-worth)
1. Prepare 1 1/2 cup (50g) marshmallows. If they are big, tear into small pieces.
2. Oil the pan well. (This time I used a 17 x 17cm square pan.)
3. Put a box of Jell-O 85g of your choice in a heat-resistant container.
4. Add 100cc (100g) water in and mix.
5. Heat in a 600W microwave for 1 minute. Heat for an additional 20 seconds each until the Jell-O melts.
6. Mix until the Jell-O melts completely.
7. Add the marshmallows from 1. and mix roughly.
8. Heat the marshmallows in a 600W microwave for 20~40 seconds until they puff up.
9. Take out #8 and quickly mix with a whisk. Melt completely.
10. Pour #9 into #2 (This time I poured in 145g.)
11. Chill for 45~60 minutes in the fridge.
12. Roll from the edge.
13. Cut into the thickness of your choice using a string.
14. It is cute enough as a roll, but decorate as you like. This time I decorated festively.

Adjust the amount you pour in according to the size of your pan. If it becomes too thick, it will be difficult to roll. This time I poured 145g in a 17 x 17cm pan that I had in my house, and it was the right thickness and easy to handle.
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