How to UPgrade Your Parenting and Perform Your Best with Dr Ryan Wohlfert HPC: E56

"Since I became a parent, I've gained a lot of weight..."

"I don't sleep enough - parenting, duh!"

"What parent has time to take care of themselves?"

Ever heard a busy parent say these things (or caught yourself saying them)?

Dr. Ryan Wohlfert is on a mission to flip the script and convince all parents that not only do they have time to be healthy, they MUST make it a priority for the good of their entire family! He believes parents don't have to choose between their own health and energy and being a GREAT parent.

We sat down on a sunny Michigan day to talk about his 6-pack of health to UPgrade your parental health:

1. Focus: What we THINK, we believe and what we believe becomes our reality! Check out a simple mental shift that can change your whole day!

2. Food: One simple thing to start you day with that every parent has time for!

3. Fitness: I love Dr. Ryan's encouragement to find time to exercise - totally not about going to the gym or slicing time OUT of your parenting day, but integrating it right in!

4. Function: As a chiropractor, our posture and spine are super important to Dr. Ryan. Bet you sat up straighter when you read the word posture!

5. reFresh: Our bodies and brains heal and renew during sleep, and I think it's becoming the most sought after commodity of our time. It's worth strategizing a little to get good sleep!

6. Faith: Whether you believe in a higher power or believe that you have a greater purpose, research shows us that we NEED one or the other!

His final tip to SCAN your thoughts for one week is golden!!

If you're wanting more and ready to UPgrade your parenting and your own health, Dr. Ryan is offering an open masterclass called "Upgrade Your Energy"

Join Dr. Ryan's group here for continued support (no cost):

You can read the skim notes for this episode here:

Guest Bio:
Dr. Ryan Wohlfert is a highly specialized healthcare practitioner who's helped thousands of patients elevate their health and energy at his multiple chiropractic, nutrition, and wellness clinics. Hes the co-creator of the Superhuman Brain Masterclass, bringing together the world's top neuroscientists, brain researchers, doctors, and biohackers to uncover proven solutions to upgrade their energy and performance. To date, it has reached 100,000+ people worldwide. Dr. Ryan founded to bring this knowledge and guidance helping parents heal and upgrade their brain, energy, and longevity. He believes ALL PARENTS can look, feel, and perform their best to impact their family, future, and world.

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