I'm Making a Raw Food Kitchen!

http://www.TheRawFoodWorld.com You're not going to believe this! I just tore the wall out of my kitchen today! I've been inspired by some of our recent videos lately of people building entire homes for only $4,000. So I thought that I could redo the kitchen without a contractor this time around ;-) Learn more about this at the video I did today a bit further below.

In my last couple of videos I stated that I've been getting into Raw Food Recipes (I know, that's not like me! ;-). I also stated that I wanted to do videos on all of the products that we carry. I want to put these videos in the description f!eld of each of these products in our store. We've had many requests to do this.

I also got inspired to do this task when I was shopp!ng through an online 'mag!c trick' store (lol). The owner had a video on every single mag!c trick in his store, which made it way more easy and fun to browse. My purpose in doing these videos is to make your shopp!ng a much more enjoyable experience. Many people have no idea what some of these products are and this is one of the main reasons I believe that we get these continual requests. I will be discussing the benefits of each product, doing recipes with them, etc. all in quick short videos.

The piont in me sharing this today is that one of the reasons I'm redoing the kitchen is so I can have a nice space to create these product and Raw Food Recipe videos. Once this kitchen is done, I'll be videoing many products and recipes a week. I won't bombard you with numerous emails about each video so you might want to subscribe to our Youtube channel to see what we are up to.

Ok! If you want to see this quick 4 minute video of the destruction of our kitchen... Check it out! :-)
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