Idli Ginger Chutney with Pumpkin Idli - Healthy Idli Breakfast idea | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Pumpkin Idli
Urad dal - 1 cup
Idli rice - 3 cup
Fenugreek seeds - ½ tsp
Soya beans - 1 tsp
Sago - 1 cup
Rice flakes - ½ cup
Water - As required
Pumpkin (grated) - 1 cup
Saffron water - 2 tsp
Coconut oil - As required
Chana dal - 1 tsp
Ginger - 100 g
Hing - ¼ tsp
Turmeric powder - ½ tsp
Jaggery - 2 tsp
Salt - As Per Taste
Chilli powder - 1 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Red chilli - 5 nos.
Cumin seeds - ½ tsp
Curry leaves - 1 spring
Take urad dal, idli rice, fenugreek seeds, soya beans, sago soak it for 4 hours and add rice flakes grind into a thick batter & leave it for fermentation overnight.
Take grated pumpkin add into the batter, and some saffron water mix it well. Pour the batter idli plates, steam it for 10 minutes.
Heat coconut oil in a pan,add chana dal, urad dal, ginger, hing, turmeric powder saute it until all raw flavour is gone.
Then add salt, jaggery, chilli powder mix it well and grind into a fine paste.
Heat oil in a pan, add the mustard seeds, red chilli, cumin seeds, chana dal, urad dal, curry leaves and fry them till splutter then switch off the flame.
Pour the tempering chutney top mix it well. Serve it pumpkin chutney.
Tasty breakfast recipe pumpkin Idli ready to serve with Ginger Chutney.
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