Indian Chicken Burger | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Shreds of green masala marinated chicken legs, sandwiched burger buns - desi style pulled chicken burger!



4 chicken leg on bones, cut into pieces
4 burger buns
1½ cups roughly chopped coriander sprigs,
6-8 garlic cloves
1½ inch ginger, roughly chopped
2-3 green chillies, stems removed
1 tablespoon oil
Salt to taste
Crushed black peppercorns to taste
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Olive oil for basting and greasing
1 medium onion, cut into roundels
1 medium tomato, cut into roundels
Mint yogurt for spreading
4 iceberg lettuce leaves
4 cheese slices


1. Preheat oven to 160° C.
2. To prepare green chutney, grind together coriander sprigs, garlic, broken green chillies, oil and 2-3 tablespoons water into a smooth paste.
3. Take chicken in a bowl. Add salt, crushed peppercorns, green chutney and lemon juice and mix well. Place them on a baking tray and apply the marinade on top. Set aside to marinate for 1 hour.
4. Place the baking tray in preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, basting with some olive oil. Keep aside covering with aluminum foil for 15-20 min.
5. Shred the baked chicken leg pieces with a fork and transfer in a bowl. Halve the buns.
6. Heat an electric griller and grease with some olive oil. Place the halved buns, onion roundels and tomato roundels and grill them from both sides basting with some oil till golden marks appear.
7. Spread some mint yogurt on each grilled buns. Place lettuce leaves, grilled tomato roundels, grilled onion roundels, shredded chicken and a cheese slice on 4 halved buns and cover with remaining bun halves.
8. Serve.

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