Jam Filled Butter Cookies - By Vahchef @ vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

This recipe for Polish butter cookies with jam is a simple but delicious cookie filled with any kind of jam.



Butter 50 g
Sugar powder 70 g
Vanilla extracts 1 ts
Water 1 tb
All purpose flour 100 g

Take a bowl add butter cream it, in this add powder sugar, mix this and add vanilla extract, water, mix it and add all purpose flour mix it like a dough,

Take the dough and help with flour roll it into sheets, take a fancy cutter and cut even number of the cookies into similar size even , leave half of the cookies just like that and to the rest of the cookie make a well in the center of each cookie using a smaller cutter. Bake both of them at 180c for 15 minutes, after that take the hallow one & put in on the flat once & fill the hole with your favorite jam. Put it in the oven for 1 minute and remove them.

http://www.vahrehvah.com/Jam+Filled+Butter+Cookies:8279 you can find detailed recipes at my website and also find many videos with recipes at http://www.vahrehvah.com/ simple easy and quick recipes and videos of Indian Pakistani and Asian Oriental foods "Reach vahrehvah at -
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