Japanese Vegetable Spring Rolls • 春巻き | Graces Japanese Cooking

Hi everyone! How-are-you? Today we have (well I was craving) harumaki, or spring rolls! “Haru” is spring, and “maki”is rolls. Perfect for a side dish on a warm spring evening or as an appetizer for a family gathering! It’s super crispy on the outside and hot and tasty on the inside:) Enjoy with any sauce you like (I like a simple soy sauce & Japanese mustard mix) and feel free to add your favorite veggies, tofu, shredded pork or chicken!

Recipe: (8-10 spring rolls)

10 spring roll wrappers (not egg roll wrappers)


1 small carrot or 1/2 large carrot, julienned
1 eryngi mushroom, julienned
2 green onion, thinly sliced
1 inch knob ginger, thinly sliced
12 oz bean sprouts
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon mirin
oil for cooking vegetables
extra virgin olive oil for frying spring rolls

1 tablespoon starch (corn, arrowroot, potato)
2 tablespoons water

Paste (to seal the edge):
1 teaspoon starch
1 teaspoon water

1. Prepare the filling. Cut carrot, eryngi mushroom, ginger, and green onion into thin slices.
2. In a frying pan, heat cooking oil over medium high heat. Add bean sprouts, carrot, eryngi mushroom, ginger, and green onion. Cook throughly.
3. Add mirin and soy sauce. Combine well.
4. Add the slurry, turn off heat, and combine.
5. Cool completely! (VERY IMPORTANT) If the vegetable filling is not completely cooled down, the moisture from the heat will tear the wrapper and the spring roll will turn out soggy. Not good.
6. Wrap the spring roll! (Please see video)
7. In a small to medium pan (cast iron works great) heat oil to 320F. Fry until golden brown on both sides. Drain excess oil.
8. Plate and enjoy!!

Thank you so much for watching! I hope you enjoyed today’s video, if you did, please let me know by liking the video, subscribing, and sharing with your friends! As always please leave me any comments or questions below:)

See you next time! Please continue to stay safe:)


Music:”Honeysuckle” by Honeyroot

Instagram: @gracesjapanesecooking
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