Jason Pang - Inspiring Hawker Who Started Afresh After Two Years In Jail

After spending two years in jail, it was difficult for Jason Pang, 39, to start a career again. In order to make a living, he had to take on several ad hoc jobs. Eventually, he saved enough money to start his Hokkien mee stall, Mr Prawnie, and he now serves chicken rice at the same location as well. While starting afresh after spending time in prison is not easy, Jason proves that with loads of hard work and some confidence in yourself, it is possible to pursue your dreams.

As one of the chosen hawkers from the Tiger Beer Street Food Support Fund 2017, Jason is an example of how the hawker scene can continue to thrive with some support and passion.

Find out more about Jason and other inspiring hawkers:

Check out the full list of chosen hawkers from the Tiger Street Food Support Fund:

This is a sponsored video by Tiger Beer.
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