Kaapparisi - Punyavagachanam(Naming ceremony) Sweet | Gayathiri's Cookbook

Kapparisi- Punyagavachanam (naming ceremony) sweet:

Punyavgaachanam is an auspicious pooja performed during different occasions( new birth/death/puberty) of life. The significance varies depending on the occasion.

One such punyagavachanam takes place after the 10-day postnatal period (after delivery). The house is cleaned and purified, and the child and mother ceremonially bathed. Friends and relatives are invited to see the child to participate/bless the celebration.

This is usually performed on the 11th day after the baby is born. The child is named after the pooja .
On completion of the pooja, the water from the Kalasam is sprinkled around the pooja premises, thereby purifying the house.

This is actually a 3-in-1 function.

1.The first part is Punyagavachanam in which the water purified by the mantras is sprinkled on the baby and his/her parents.
2.The second part of the function is Namakaranam where the names are written on the paddy spread. Normally three names are said/written.
3.The third part of the function is Thottiliduthal ( Cradle ceremony) which is used to be done in the evenings. But nowadays it is also performed in the mornings.

Usually the baby’s Aunt(Athai) brings kapparisi(sweet), Kolusu(anklets) and bangles(Karuppu/Black ) to this function. This kapparisi is usually distributed to all the ladies who attend the function along with Vethalaipakku.(Haldi Kumukum).


Raw rice- 1 cup
Jaggery- 1 cup
Water- 1/3 cup
Coconut pieces- 1/2 cup
Ghee- 2 teaspoon
Pottukadalai(roasted bengal gram)- 1/2 cup

1. Soak 1 cup rice in water for 15 minutes. Strain the water. Air dry on cheesecloth for 15 minutes.
2. Dry roast rice until golden brown. Let it cool down.
3. Roast 1/2 cup coconut pieces in ghee for 2 minutes. Keep it aside.
4. Pulse roasted rice once.(do not grind into powder)
5. Add 1 cup jaggery with 1/3 cup water to a pan.
6. Heat jaggery until hardball consistency.( Drop a small amount of jaggery syrup in water. When you roll it with your fingers, you should be able to form a thick ball).
7. Switch off the flame immediately.
8. Add fried coconut pieces, roasted gram dal and pulsed rice to the jaggery syrup and mix well.

Kaaparisi is ready!!.

You can make this one day before as well. Kaaparisi may become hard with time. Before serving you can break it with thick spatula (just like you break the paruuputhengai).

Items you need for the ceremony:

1 Turmeric powder 1 Pkt
2 Kumkum 1 Pkt
3 Sandalwood powder/tablets/paste 1 Pkt
4 Agarbathi 1 Pkt
5 Camphor 1 Pkt
6 betel leaves and nuts 15 each
7 Flowers 2 Bouquets
8 Banana 12
9 5 Variety of fruits 4 each
10 Coconuts 5
11 Rice 4 Pounds
12 Kalasa Vasthram 2 yards cloth, red or green 1
13 Ghee 1 Teaspoon
14 Honey 1 Teaspoon
15 Curd (Keep this separately) 1 Teaspoon
16 Rice Paddy 1 Pound
17 Dates (kajur) 1 Pkt
18 Coins (Quarters) 20
19 Naivedyam( prasadam)
Rava kesari,or payasa (kheer) or jagerry pongal
20 Sugar candy 1 Pkt
21 New Vasthra/dress
22 Almonds 1 Pkt
23 Raisins 1 Pkt
24 Cashews 1 Pkt
25 Saffron 1 Pkt
26 Cloves 1 Pkt
27 Pachha kalpooram (green camphor or edible camphor) 1 Pkt
28 Lamps 2
29 Oil
30 Match box 1 Pkt
31 Cotton wick (small packet) 1 Pkt
32 Khalsa (kalasamor kumbha) silver, copper or brass 1
33 Paper towels 1 Roll
34 Paper plates 5
35 Kattori (stainless steel cups or silver cups or paper cups) 5
36 Plates or trays 4
37 Steel tumbler 4
38 Steel spoon 4
39 Pooja bell 1
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