Kale Salad Recipe with Lemon Vinaigrette Dressing

Chef Mike shares his recipe for a healthy Kale salad with lemon vinaigrette with Jason on Dads That Cook TV.

What are we whipping up right now, Mike? What have we got going on? So we're gonna do kale salad. Essentially we're going to be cutting up some kale, squeezing out one lemon, cutting up a shallot, whisking it together. A little pepper here, you got your salt, and we got our big old thing of olive oil, and we're gonna use all of that, the entire jug.
So why don't we get started on the chopping. Okay. I guess you do that first and-Yeah, so I've taken the stems out of these particular leaves, so we're just going to take this bunch and-Small, little cuts, right? Yeah, exactly. And so you just stick that in the bowl?
Stick it in the bowl. That's step one. Take a shallot, and we're going to take this, we're going to make a dice out of it. So we want to cut it across. So you guys might have seen this once before when we did this with Ed. It just does make it a lot easier, things come out kind of perfectly. Don't feel like your technique has to be perfect, it's all about really tasting yummy. So you're going to do a little juicing action now? Exactly. Oh, my eye. So you don't want any seeds in there, that's why I'm doing this. You don't want seeds in your salad?No, no. That nutritional- Mm, this kale's kind of bitter and that seed really helped out. Yeah, exactly. Add some crunch to it, some texture. So that's done. So just one little lemon? One little lemon. That's it. And then we're going to take about four times the amount of the lemon of olive oil. Okay. And make a vinaigrette. We're going to take some ground pepper. Just a couple of cranks.
Yeah. Couple of like five cranks on this thing. A pinch of that. Pinch of salt. Mm-hmm (affirmative). And then what I've done before if like I have extra time is you can actually put the lemon juice with the shallots and let that sit for a little bit. Yeah. That's a good idea.
We've got our kale salad ready to go. All chopped up, we got our oil ready. We've got our shallots with the lemon juice and now we need that wonderful assistant of yours to come in and help us mix it all up and make it happen.
Hey, Isabella can you come in here please? We need your help. Fabulous. All right. You know how to do this deal? Yeah. Yeah. Sweet. You like cooking? Yes. Awesome. Your dad's a pretty good cook? Yeah, that's what I hear. All right here it goes. Here you go. She's whisking. That's good whisking. Nice. I like it.
How long do you have to do that for? Like six hours or so? Yeah, your dad just makes you do that all night long. Oh, you can go in your room and mix a little bit. Do me a favor and just bring it with you to school. All right. And that looks fabulous. Awesome. Thank you Isabella. Since Isabella was so awesome at whisking all that together, I hear you have another helper that's going to help us actually mix up the actual salad itself. Hey, John Luca can you come in here please?
Hello, I'm John Luca. What's up buddy? Hey, what are you doing? We need some help putting the vinaigrette together with the kale. Can you help us mix it? Can you whip that up? All right. You know how to do it? You've done it before, huh? And like Isabella we're going to make you mix it for at least another six hours. You like cooking with your dad? Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty good huh? You learned to make breakfast, huh? Yeah. What do you make for breakfast? French toast. I love french toast. All right, is that all mixed up? All right. Well awesome, thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

Jason Glover is the original Dad That Cooks and owns and operates Splash Digital Media. As a Dad and the primary cook for his family, he conceived DTC through his experiences and by talking with other Dads. When fellow Dads shared with Jason theyd love to learn from his own first-hand kitchen experiences, the idea for DTC was born. As the idea continued to keep him up at night he thought, why not leverage his film and video production and comedy background with his love of cooking for his family to become the host of DTC. Ryan Seacrest move over introducing Jason Glover as the host of Dads That Cook.

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