Kothimbir Vadi - Maharastrian snack - By Vahchef @ Vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Kothimbir vadi is a wonderful starter snack that is extremely popular among Maharashtrians and often prepared in most Maharashtrian homes served with steaming hot masala tea. It tastes yummy, crispy on the outer side and soft inside, irresistible and lip smacking. There are various versions of making this dish.

Kothimbir in Marathi means coriander leaves and vadi means fritters, hence the name Kothimbir vadi. As the besan flour is cooked or steamed cooked and then deep fried, this keeps the exterior part of Kothimbir vadi crispy and interior soft, yummy and tasty. This delicious vadi can also be served with garlic chutney, coconut chutney, tomato sauce or a hot cup of tea. It is generally made when kothimbir is available in abundance.

The kothimbir vadi is flavourful, mildly spiced and the flavours of coriander along with spices bring out the aroma which would naturally tickle your taste buds craving for more. They are fresh, nutritious and crispy fritters prepared with fresh coriander leaves. Coriander leaves is the main ingredient in this recipe which is truly earthy and flavourful.

Kothimbir is referred to as coriander leaves, Chinese parsley or cilantro (particularly in North America). Kothimbir is a vital ingredient in many South Asian recipes. They are used as garnish over salads, curries, stews etc. Kothimbir can also be made into spicy chutney adding few green chilies and other ingredients. They are often used raw or added to the dish immediately before serving. They are generally used in large amounts and cooked until the flavour diminishes.

Fresh coriander leaves is mostly used as an herb and has enormous medicinal properties. In southern India it is used in preparing the rasam that helps in digestion and getting rid of gas. Coriander also seems to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It seems to help prevent infection of wounds, and can also be ground into a paste to treat rashes.

Kothimbir vadi as a starter snack is extremely popular and is found in many eateries that pride themselves in Marathi cuisine. Kothimbir vadi is a savory cilantro cake which is first steamed and then deep fried until crisp. This is a quintessential Maharashtrian dish. Coriander is a flavourful herb and this dish truly showcases this ingredient instead of giving it the seemingly superfluous role of a garnish. The steamed or cooked vadi is perfectly fine for eating on its own (a very tasty, healthy and nutritious snack), but is liked when it is shallow fried in oil as it gets crispy edges and takes this snack to a complete new level. It tastes very good when eaten along with green chutney, tamarind chutney or even ketchup.



1/4 tsp asafoetida
1/4 cup bhajani
1 bunch cilantro/coriander leaves
1 tsp garam masala
4 clove garlic
1 piece ginger
1 cup gram flour
10 number green chilies
1 tsp lemon juice
to fry Oil
1 tbsp rice flour
1 tsp roasted poppy seeds
1 tsp roasted sesame seeds
to taste salt
1/4 tsp Sodium Bicarbonate (Soda)
1 tsp turmeric powder


1. Chop coriander leaves finely. Mix in gram flour, bhajani and rice flour.

2. Grind chillies, ginger and garlic into a fine paste. Add this paste, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, lemon juice, garam masala, turmeric powder, asafoetida and salt to the above mixture.

3. Add some water to make a thick batter (dosa batter consistency) and mix well. Remove the lumps.

4. Grease a flat vessel. Pour the batter into the vessel.

6. In a pressure cooker, steam (without using the weight) for about 25 minutes.
Or grease a microwavable container and pour the batter into it. Microwave cook the batter for 5-7 minutes (Microwave settings may vary)

7. Remove and insert a needle into it to check if it is done. Let cool and cut square shaped pieces.

8. Heat oil in a deep frying pan. Deep fry the pieces in hot oil. Remove when golden brown and crisp. Serve hot as an appetizer.
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