Ingredients (for 6-8 servings)
500 g beef
550 g (1.5 cups) boiled chickpeas
100 g (1/2 cup) calrose rice
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp salt
1.5 L (6-7 cups) water

For the Liaison
1 Kg (3 cups) yogurt
1 egg 2 tbsp flour
1 lemon (juice only)

For the Dressing:
50-60 g butter
3 tbsp dried mint

Pour 2 tbsp of olive oil into a pressure cooker.
Add 500 g of beef; diced into 2cm cubes.
Set the stove to high heat and stir the beef for 20 minutes, until it turns to brown and evaporate the excess water, completely.
Then, add 1 L of hot water, lock the lid into place, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes at high pressure.
Note: If you use a regular pot, this process takes 1 hour on medium heat
Once the pressure cooker is ready to be opened, transfer the meat into a regular pot Measure the broth and, if necessary, add warm water: So the total sum of the liquids is 1.5 L
Now, we are ready to cook the soup!
Combine the meat and 1.5 L of broth
Bring the mixture to a boil
Then, add 100 g of rice and cook for 10 minutes on medium heat
Add 500 g cooked chickpeas and cook for 5-6 minutes

Place 1 Kg of yogurt into a bowl
Add 1 egg and 2 tbsp of flour; mix them and add the juice of 1 lemon
Then, thoroughly whisk the ingredients
Before combine the hot broth and the cold egg-yogurt liaison, pour 2-3 large spoons of hot broth into the egg-yogurt liaison
Briskly stir the mixture for 2 minutes to achieve a creamy liaison
Then, pour the warmed liaison into the pot while stirring continuously
After it becomes homogenous, stir the soup every now and then until it starts boiling
Once the soup has boiled, add 1 tbsp of salt and simmer on very low heat, while you prepare the Dressing

Heat 50-60 g of butter in a saucepan
Once the butter has melted, add the dried mint
Stir the butter and dried mint for 1 minute, then, pour the dressing over the soup and enjoy the sounds of sizzling butter as an amazing aroma rises from this flavourful intermingle of mixtures
Give the soup a good stir; et voil! The LEBENIYE SOUP is ready to serve!

Serve the soup hot and fresh!
Be sure that each bowl of soup has spoonful of good health, immeasurable nutrition, and unrivalled flavour!!
Serve the LEBENIYE SOUP to your family and friends, proudly!!
And be pleased with yourself!
Bon Appetite!
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