15 organic lemons, zest only*
1 L vodka or 700 mL pure alcohol
600 g (3 cups) sugar
1 L water
Airtight glass jar with a ring seal
(*) If you buy the lemons from the market, make sure to remove the wax!!

By the end of summer, sitrus fruits being to ripen and achieve their ultimate fragrance and flavor in the Mediterranean region. Limoncello is an Italian delicacy, but this recipe is made with the famous lemons of Ortaca, Turkey

Choose fresh and organic lemons with thick skin and high fragrance
Wash the lemons thoroughly and air-dry them
Then peel the lemons with a sharp knife or lemon zester
Carefully separate the yellow part of the peel from the white layer underneath
Remember!, white part of the lemon will make limoncello bitter!!
Place the lemon zests into a large sealable glass jar
During the extraction process, 1/3 percent of extra-empty space in the jar is necessary!!
Add 1 litre of vodka or 700ml of pure alcohol and seal the jar and store it in a cool and dark place for at least one month
Every once in a while, check that all the zest is submerge in the alcohol. Particularly first couple weeks, give the jar a little shake to distribute the lemon aroma throughout the alcohol
You will observe the lovely golden colour of the zest slowly transferring into the alcohol.
Remember: longer the process, stronger the fragrance
I waited 3 mounts for optional aroma!!, now it is time to prepare the syrup
In a pot, mix 3 cups of sugar and 1 litres of water.
Bring the mixture to simmer and stir to completely dissolve the sugar. Then set aside and let it cool down to room temperature.
Strain the alcohol-lemon zest mixture through a fine sieve and several layers of cheesecloth.
Repeat the process if necessary, until mixture becomes bright and clear Combine the cool sugar syrup and the strained alcohol
Place the jar of sweet limoncello back in its cool and dark storage space for at least a week to a month
Wait until the limoncello reaches its peak flavour to serve it proudly!

Note: Pour the limoncello into smaller bottles and keep one in the refrigerator for drinking, while the others can be stashed away for future consumption or gifts
The limoncello as other liqueurs, enhance its flavour as it ages, so the longer you keep it the better it gets.

After a 4 months-long process, enjoy the rich fragrance and taste of citrus and alcohol. Serve the limoncello in chilled glasses.
Proudly share with family and friends to celebrate the blessing of life!!!
Thanks to the generous climate and rich flavours of the Mediterranean and its joyful people!!
I am also grateful to creative Italian way of thinking!...which has produced this marvelous taste!!!
Cin cin!!
Enjoy the life!

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