Maguro Zuke Don (Marinated Tuna Fish Rice Bowl) Recipe | OCHIKERON | Create Eat Happy :) | ochikeron

Maguro means Tuna, Zuke means to marinate, and Don is short for Donburi which means rice bowl. Marinated fresh Sashimi-grade tuna served on a rice bowl. Quick yet delicious!

You can of course use Salmon, scallop, or any other Sashimi-grade fish instead! Enjoy :)

Maguro Zuke Don (Marinated Tuna Fish Rice Bowl)

Difficulty: Very Easy
Time: 15min
Number of servings: 1

90g (3.2oz) Sashimi Grade Yellowfin Ahi Tuna
1/2 tbsp. Sake
1/2 tbsp. Mirin (sweet Sake)
1 tbsp. soy sauce
Wasabi if you like
1 bowl of rice
Kizaminori (shredded Nori sheet)
green onions and/or Shiso leaf
toasted white sesame seeds

1. In a small pot, boil down Sake and Mirin to reduce the alcohol content.
2. Add soy sauce and Wasabi, then mix well. (Wasabi will be not spicy if you mix and leave for a while, so kids can eat it with only nice Wasabi aroma.)
3. Marinate tuna Sashimi and put in the fridge for about 10 minutes. (Do not marinate too long or tuna will be salty.)
4. Meanwhile, put rice in a rice bowl and leave to cool. (Cold rice is better because it won't warm up the fish.)
5. Put Kizaminori on the rice, arrange Tuna sashimi, garnish with green onions or Shiso leaves, and sprinkle with toasted white sesame seeds. You can place a bit of fresh Wasabi on top if you like.


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