★ 張媽媽邀請你一起飲茶 (香港)★ | Mama Cheung invites you for dim sum (HK) | 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung

你想同張媽媽飲茶傾計,一起接受訪問嗎?嚟緊這兩個週末, 如有興趣的話,請留言給我!抽中的朋友,我們會通知你日期、時間及地點!多謝大家支持!

Mama Cheung wants to invite a few HK friends for dim sum, chit chat about food as part of a press interview! If you are interested in the upcoming weekends, please give me a comment! If you are invited we will notify you with the exact details! Thank you for your support!

訂閱追蹤最新影片:https://goo.gl/6n9DuQ 逢星期四有新片

更多推介食譜 Recommended recipes:

。菜肉包 | Bao ~ Steamed Meat Buns Dim Sum Recipe

。蝦餃 | Har Gau Prawn Dumpling

。菜乾豬骨湯 | Chinese Vegetable and Pork Soup

。苦瓜排骨湯 | Bitter Melon Soup

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Tumblr: http://mamacheung.tumblr.com

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