Mango Frooti recipe, Mango Frooti recipe in hindi, how to make frooti recipe at home | Kapoors Tadka

Mango frooti recipe at home in 5 min In easy steps without even boiling you can know मैंगो फ्रूटी how to make frooti recipe in hindi. This is a Fresh Mango Juice or Nectar of Summers, and it is an also a very popular Summer Drink for Kids. Some also call it aamras and its taste very similar to drinks like mango frooti, maza or slice etc.

Mango frooti ingredients

Preparation time-5 minutes
Ripe mango(washed)-1 250 gm
Sugar-100 gm ( or as per taste)
Water-1 litre

After watching this video you can come to know how to make mango frooti at home and after mango frooti making you can also tell others about this mango frooti recipe in easy and simple steps
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