Mango Sunrise Smoothie Recipe!

Mango Sunrise Smoothie

One of my all time favourite smoothies, could have it for breakfast or to start dinner any day of the week

Simply blend OJ with as much sweet mango as you have, more the merrier!

I Love my biochef vacuum blender attachment that fits on the vitamix, Im not a affiliate but my friend John Kohler of sells them and other vacuum blenders at and for everyone in Europe search Vitality 4 Life biochef and it will pop up

As an extra I do have a DIY Vitamix Vacuum Blender Hack to make your vitamix into a Vacuum Blender

Hope you enjoy the recipe!

#smoothie #oj #bestsmoothie #vacuumblender #vacuum #smoothie #smoothies #rawfood #rawfoodrecipes #rawvegan
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