Marinated Courgette and Butter bean Salad | Cooking with Napolina

Our Marinated Courgettes and Butter bean Salad is really simple to make and is full of flavour. Using Napolina Butter beans and Napolina Extra Virgin Olive Oil, you can serve it as a side dish or add Salmon for everyone to enjoy!

Ingredients (serves 4)
3 Courgettes
2 x 400g Napolina butter bean tins (drained and rinsed)
2 tbsp. Napolina olive oil

80ml Napolina extra virgin olive oil
Juice and zest of 2 lemons
2 Garlic Cloves
1 Red Chili (optional)
1 tsp. Caster Sugar
½ tsp. Salt
½ tsp. Pepper
3 Sprigs of rosemary
Small handful fresh parsley

To serve:
4 Salmon fillets (optional)
Fresh bread

Slice the courgettes into 1cm slices then drizzle over the 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
Heat a large frying pan then cook the courgette rounds on each side for 3-4 minutes until starting to char and soften. You may need to do this batches.
In a large bowl mix together all the ingredients for the marinade then add the butter beans and cooked courgettes.
Mix until combined then cover and leave in the fridge for at least 3 hours or overnight for the flavours to infuse.
Either serve as is for a vegetarian option with fresh bread or roast the salmon fillets for 15 minutes until cooked through and serve with the butter bean salad.

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