Milk Tart Malva Pudding

Now you don't need to choose between your favourite desserts...

Serves 12


For the custard:
500g SPAR Vanilla Custard
20 white marshmallows
tsp ground cinnamon

For the malva pudding:
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
3 tsp apricot jam
8 tbsp milk
4 tsp butter, melted
1 tsp white vinegar
1 cup self-raising flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

For the syrup:
150g sugar
8 tbsp water, hot
150ml cream

Serving suggestion:
Ground cinnamon, to dust


For the custard:
1. Pour the SPAR Vanilla Flavoured Custard into a large, microwavable bowl.
2. Add in the marshmallows and mix the custard and marshmallows together.
3. Microwave the mixture on high for 3 minutes and 45 seconds stopping to whisk every 45 seconds. *Chefs Tip: Our microwave was 1300 Watts. Microwave 30-60 seconds longer if your microwave has a smaller wattage.
4. Once the marshmallows have melted and the mixture has thickened, add the cinnamon and whisk to combine. Allow the custard to cool on the counter, stirring it every few minutes to ensure that it does not firm up too much.

For the malva pudding:
5. Preheat the oven to 180C and grease a 25x20cm baking dish with grease spray.
6. In a medium-large bowl, beat the eggs and sugar well until pale, fluffy and doubled in size, about 5 minutes.
7. Add the apricot jam, milk, butter and vinegar and stir lightly until just combined.
8. Sift in the flour and bicarbonate of soda and mix until combined.
9. Gently pour the batter into the greased baking dish and bake the pudding for 30 minutes, until golden brown.

For the syrup:
10. While the pudding is baking, heat the cream, sugar and water in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Ensure that all of the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is slightly thickened.
11. Immediately after removing the pudding from the oven, poke holes in it with a skewer and pour the syrup over the pudding.
12. Once the pudding has come to room temperature, put it in the fridge and allow to cool, about 20 minutes.
13. Once the malva pudding is cool to the touch, pour the thickened custard over the pudding. Smooth the custard out in an even layer.
14. Dust a light layer of ground cinnamon over the custard and put the pudding back in the fridge for about 1 hour or until the custard layer is set.
15. Once cooled, remove the milk tart malva pudding from the fridge and cut into squares. Serve on a plate and ENJOY!

Planning to try this?

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