Mini Sweet Pepper Rice / குட்டி குடமிளகாய்  சாதம் | Gayathiri's Cookbook

Mini Peppers add the ideal amount of flavor, crunch, & nutrition to every meal. Their flavor and texture are similar to a bell pepper, but sweeter and with very few seeds.

They’re naturally fat free, high in vitamin C and a great source of fiber. You can have it as a snack or add it to your meal.


Basmati rice- 1 cup
Butter- 1 tablespoon
Bay leaves- 2
Cloves- 3
Cardamom - 4
Cinnamon stick- 1
Jeera- 2 tablespoons
Oil- 2 teaspoons
Green chillies- 2
Chopped onion- 1/2 cup
Ginger garlic paste- 1 teaspoon
Mini sweet peppers chopped- 2 cups
Salt- 1 teaspoon
Black pepper powder- 1 teaspoon(optional)

1. Soak rice for 20 minutes. Cook with bayleaves, cinnamon stick, cardamom, cloves and Jeera. Keep it ready!
2. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil . Add Jeera, green chillies , onion and ginger garlic paste. Sauté until onion is translucent.
3. Add chopped mini peppers and salt. Cook until mini peppers are tender- crisp.
4. Add cooked rice and mix it gently.
5. Adding black pepper powder is optional.
Mini sweet pepper rice is ready!!
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