Monggo with Inihaw na Liempo | Panlasang Pinoy

Grilled Pork Belly and Sauteed Mung Bean Recipe

Inihaw na Liempo Ingredients
1 1/2 lbs. pork belly liempo
1/2 cup Knorr Liquid Seasoning
1 piece lime or 3 pieces calamansi
2 tablespoons cooking oil
Ginisang Monggo Ingredients
1 3/4 cups mung beans soaked in 2 cups water
1 cup malunggay leaves
6 ounces pork sliced into small pieces
1 Knorr Pork cube
1 medium tomato cibed
1 small red onion chopped
3 cloves garlic crushed
½ teaspoon ground black pepper
2 cups water
3 tablespoons cooking oil
Fish sauce to taste

Prepare the Inihaw na Liempo by placing the pork belly in a large bowl. Pour the Knorr Liquid Seasoning into the bowl and squeeze out the juice from the lime or calamansi (lemon can also be used). Mix well. Let it marinate for at least 1 hour.
Meanwhile, cook the ginisang monggo starting by heating oil in a pot. Saute garlic, onion, and tomato.
Add pork. Cook for 3 minutes or until it turns light brown.
Pour water into the pot. Let boil.
Add the pork cube. Stir. Cover and cook in medium heat until the mung beans completely absorb the water and become soft (this should take around 30 to 40 minutes).
Add the malunggay leaves and then season with ground black pepper and fish sauce. Cook for 5 minutes more. Turn the heat to off and transfer to a serving bowl. Set aside.
Start to grill the liempo (pork belly) for 3 minutes per side while basting it with a mixture of Knorr liquid seasoning, juice from a piece of lime, and 2 tablespoons cooking oil on every turn. Continue to grill until the liempo until completely done.
Transfer to a serving plate. Serve with ginisang monggo.
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